Clevis Pins

 Clevis PinsClevis Pins connections are a cost effective method of connecting two structural members which are subjected to simple tension loads. They make possible straightforward and rapid field installation of bracing and support members. Because pin connections normally do not clamp the connected members, they are generally only recommended for use in connections where they are loaded in double shear. Other variations from the standard dimensions are also available.

Clevis Pins

Pin DiaHead DiaHead ThicknessCotter SizeCotter Hole DiaCotter Hole Setback
1/25/85/321/85/325 /32
7/81 1/325/161/85/323/8
11 3/1611/321/85 /323/8
1 1/81 1/23/81/45/161/2
1 1/41 1/23/81/45/161/2
1 3/81 3/43/81/45/161/2
1 1/21 3/43/81/45/161/2
1 5/823/81/45/161/2
1 3/423/81/45/161/2
1 7/82 1/43/81/45/161/2
22 3/83/81/45/161/2
2 1/42 3/43/83/813/321/2
2 1/233/83/813/321/2
2 3/43 1/43/83.813/321/2
33 1/21/21/217/321
3 1/43 3/41/21/217/321
3 1/241/21/217/321
3 3/44 1/41/21/217/321
44 1/21/21/217/321
4 1/251/21/217/321
55 1/21/21/217/321

  • Contact Information

    Telephone: 215-537-8700
    Postal address:
    1181 Unity Street Philadelphia, PA 19124
    Get Directions